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Public Media Metadata Co-op

An Introduction to EIDR Webinar

GOAL: To explain how EIDR allows anyone, anywhere in the world, with a small and simple amount of information (also called metadata) to describe and identify audio visual Creative Works.
Register for the Webinar Here (most sessions take place on Wednesday at 3ET)

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Attend the Introduction to EIDR course and learn:


Content moves at a rapid pace from platform to platform. From streaming content on your website to localizing YouTube TV, once audiences encounter your show, they expect to locate it regardless of the platform. Traditional ways of locating show information (such as on a website) have been replaced with a new content discovery ethos. For this content discovery ethos to be effective, a linkage is needed. The industry is rallying around the Entertainment Identification Registry as that linkage.


Just as a telephone number directs you to a unique person, EIDR acts as a telephone number used to "call up" metadata about episodes, season, edit, manifestation, clip, or supplemental content.

WHO interacts with the EIDR Registry at your organization

The optimal place to manage metadata in today's organization is at the point show information flows into your organization.

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