Following are a few noteworthy highlights:
Viewers prefer free entertainment services such as YouTube and Facebook.
- Among cord-cutters, free services charted the highest satisfaction rates.
37ish is the average age of cord-"nevers".
- Most cord-cutters cite cost as the motivation to leave Pay-TV.
The joy of channel surfing is waning; viewers have content fatigue.
- Viewers are making what-to-watch choices using pre-made category lists.
- Voice searching and improved search engines mitigate fatigue.
Fatigue resonates with each of us.
We each hear of shows that pique our interests. Once the occasional free weekend comes along, we channel surf. And search. And search. We try keywords: "Find shows about Adventure". We try an actor's name: "Find shows with Kevin ______." We try a theme: "Find shows about the civil war." Exasperated, we open the Internet to repeat the discovery process.